Donner Pass
Directions: From Fort Collins turn right on W County Road 38E for 18 miles. Take another left turn onto Buckhorn Road/W Co Rd 44H and continue for 12 miles. Trailhead will be on your left hand side of the road just after 12 miles. There is plenty of space to park on the side of the road. Trail is easy to miss from the road, keep in mind it is just past a cattle guard and the old ranger station.
Description: Trail #926 is 8.9 Miles one way and strenuous. Trail merges with multiple additional trails systems including Miller Fork Trail, Dunraven Trail, and Indian Trail.
Use: Backpacking, Hiking, Dogs, Motorcycles and dirt bikes(ONLY between County Road 44H and Donner Pass)
Sunset on Donner Pass
It was November of 2016 when I found myself and my faithful lab mix Melody, on our own for the weekend. The husband and our hunting dog where out bird hunting in Kansas at the time. As always I wanted to head for the hills and Donner Pass was just what I was looking for. Buckhorn road is a little rugged but I did not need my 4-wheel drive at any points. The trailhead is really easy to miss since there is not a specific parking lot nor a large sign. You will find the trailhead just past 12 miles on the left hand side of the road. There is a cattle grate right before the trailhead which makes it a little easier to spot as well as the old ranger station and camp just prior to the trailhead.
The majority of the trail is through the forest but the views of the mountains are still gorgeous. Melody and I reached the trailhead in late afternoon and commenced our hike. Although this trail does allow for motorcycles and dirt bikes we did not come across any that afternoon and only passed one other hiker. It was peaceful with just the animals and pines swaying in the wind.
My faithful hound, Mel's
Since we began our hike in the afternoon and daylight savings was working against us, we didn't have the chance to finish the entire trail. The great part about this hike was all the areas to stop and have lunch and/camp for the night. There is one part of the trail where you cross an old county road but outside of that this hiking trail was remote and lightly used. On one of the peaks we paused to enjoy the view and drink a cold one from Odell's. There is so much to take in on this trail and the scenery that canvases the area. It is always a treat to spend time in the mountains with my hound and today was no different. Cheers!
Odells Isolation Ale