Arthur's Rock


Directions: Located in Lory State Park from Taft Hill near Bellevue, Colorado. From Laporte Avenue take a left onto N Overland Trail. In 2.3 miles turn left onto Bingham Hill Road, take a left when the road dead ends. Take a right onto N Co Road 25G. In 1 1/2 miles turn left into Lory State Park. Arthur Rock Trailhead is located at the end of the road. Daily park use fees do apply. 

Description: 2.8 mile out and back trail near Horsetooth Rock. Strenuous trail but magnificent views from the top. 

Use: Backpacking, Hiking, Dogs

Ruger , ready for more after climbing Arthur's Rock. 

I will never forget the first time I set foot on the mountain known as Arthur's Rock, the hike up to the top is short but difficult. The mountain itself creates a shadow over Horsetooth Reservoir and the subsequent northern Colorado regions.  At the time, I was a Freshman at Colorado State University trying ever so hard, to fit in with college life and all that it entailed. Lory State Park provided me the haven I so deliberately sought, the peace and quiet that seemed hard to come by at the time. It was here I returned to when I lost my Grandfather or when I was feeling lost myself. The many trails to the reservoir created a summer playground and more importantly a place to cool off from the hot summer heat. Arthur's Rock is a northern Coloradoan hiking favorite, minutes into your hike you feel miles from town. The trails winds up the mountain side and offers stunning views along the way. Emerging from the pines about 0.5 mile into the hike, you begin the climb. Dogs are encouraged here although leashes are required,  It isn't until the final accent that you are scrambling up the mountainside to be greeted by majestic views both above and below. You forget all your hard work as you breath in the crisp mountain air. 

Arthur's Rock overlooking Horsetooth Reservior 

Round trip the hike is just over 3 miles and considered difficult. One of my favorite parts about this trail are all the lunch and break spots along the way. There are several great outlook points along the climb as well. It is well worth the sweat and rigor to reach the top and enjoy the sites. Majestic and expansive, you are able to see much of northern Colorado from this peak. As the years have passed, this hike continues to be a favorite of mine and the dogs. Due to its close proximity to Fort Collins, the trail is busier on the weekends. The hike is short which is one of the reasons it is so popular, difficult but not impossible. Each time I make the climb, I enjoy the journey. The wildlife, pines and colorful flowers offer much to take in. 
