Sunset Yurt
2/7/2019- DREAMING
I lay in bed tossing and turning as a sleepless night rousted itself and slid in next to me. I am a thinker and some days that translates to an insomniac. A quick check at the clock reads 2:27 AM, typically this is when I heave a sigh of frustration and fall back into my pillow. But tonight I am dreaming of something else, our upcoming trip to a yurt. Next week we will embark on a new journey near Walden, Co at the Never Summer Nordic Yurts. I love new adventures; the inkling of the unknown has always drawn me in a way that at times I do not even recognize. This trip will be extra special because the hubby and our two dogs will be with me; I might be biased, but they are my favorite travel buddies. I have no idea what staying in a yurt, in the middle of winter, lost in our Colorado mountains will be like; but I can’t wait to find out.
I begged my sweet husband for a weekend away in a yurt, he cocked his head in confusion, but surprise was not reflected in his eyes. After so long together, he is rarely caught off guard at the adventures I propose, and it only took a moment before he readily agreed. I am also the first to tell you that my husband is one of a kind, in our past decade together there has always been one unspoken agreement. We are always up for trying something new; the trips we have shared have been the birthing place of lifelong memories.
I have learned that half the fun of an adventure is the anticipation, the building up of experiencing something new. The willingness to go outside our norm and step into something unknown. It is on this train of thought that the elusive sleep I have been searching for, finds me and I trail off to a field of dreams where big trout, cozy yurts and silent, starry nights find me.
2/13/2019 Day 1- ANTICIPATION
The morning broke vivid as we scrambled to gather supplies for our getaway in the mountains. The 4-Runner was stuffed to the brim with bedding, brewskis and more importantly our furry friends. The Never Summer Nordic Yurts was our destination; a few hours in the car was a small price to pay to get there. I always find the drive flies by when the company and scenery are both equally good. Our drive along the Poudre Canyon felt shortened by the iced-over river and willowy grasses grown grey during the winter season. As Cameron Pass greeted us, our spirits lifted at the snow crunching beneath our tires. Lower in the canyon there was but an ounce of snow, now as weathered CR-14 rose higher, drifts of snow dominated the landscape. In many areas the snow rose past 3 feet, a long-awaited sight to see during the winter of 2019. An edge of nervousness warranted its way inside me, and I was surprised to find that for once, I felt uncomfortable heading into the unknown. A feeling that I was not familiar with and caught me off my feet. I sang along to Imagine Dragons and reminded myself that the only reason I felt uncomfortable was that I was too comfortable. I had waited too long between trips to my Colorado mountains for them to feel like home. I quietly whispered a solemn promise not to wait so long next time, the mountains have always been my home.
Time loses all meaning once those mountains peaks come into view. As though, an entirely different world awaits us. One in which the chirp of a bird or the call of the wind signals the weather instead of an application loaded on a smartphone. You wake with the sun and sleep with stars as the beat of the earth finds you, reminding you again of who you are. The breath through the trees and crackle of ice, mother nature is ever-present.
…and just like that, the nervousness fades away, and I find myself home.
2/13/2019 Day 1- ARRIVAL
The 4-Runner slid around the corner and huffed in its attempt to crest the dirt road, far from view with the ample snow. Our yurt was within sight but felt far from reach as we crawled along. A short while later and we arrived, the yurt much more prominent in person than expected. Resilient in the wind and standing strong undeterred by the bitter winter weather that surrounded us. Excitement jumped in my throat as we piled from the car in our typical family fashion. The white landscape extended far into the distance and it didn’t take long for a snowball fight to ensue. The pups wasted no time exploring their new surroundings, curiosity getting the best of them as we opened the yurt and stepped inside. Though rustic, the yurt was very clean and homely. A large stack of firewood lined the wall next to the wood burning stove, and we quickly lit a match to warm our new abode.
A short while later and the chill that permeated the yurt upon arrival vanished and the warmth from our fire filled the circumference of the room. As snow clouds hovered above, we grabbed a local IPA and headed out to explore. Ruger, our German Shorthair bounded about without heed for the layers of snow that reached to his belly and beyond. Undeterred, he leaped about in heavenly bliss. Melody, on the other hand, chose to take the path with us. At the young age of twelve, she had already learned that life is really about enjoying the ride. She trotted along beside us tail wagging and ears perked in anticipation. The ever-present silence of the mountains wrapped us tightly even at storm clouds edged their way towards us.
“The good fight is the one we fight because our heart asks it of us.”
We turned back as crisp white flakes dusted our clothes; warm slippers, cold beer, and good books awaited us. I marveled again at the power of these mountain heights, a few hours from town and the entire world felt a million miles away. Back at the yurt we snuggled in and started our pot of red chili bubbling contently on the stove.
Book in hand and dogs close by we enjoyed our evening relaxing by the fire and catching up with each other. Almost a decade together and I couldn’t love the man more. It seemed to me the age-old saying that dating is as good as it gets, was proved wrong. Our marriage and our lives continued to become better and better together. Not always easy and definitely not perfect but it was perfect for us. On that note, with bellies full, we seamlessly nodded off to sleep to the crackle of the fire and the wind billowing around us.
2/14/2019 Day 2- ADVENTURE
The night was filled with the sights and sounds often accompanying the great outdoors. When the fire burned low, we threw on new logs throughout the night. Unbeknownst to us as yurt newbies, we were alarmed to hear the frozen snow slide dramatically from the top of the yurt with crashing resonance. After several incidences, we shrugged it off and settled back in. It wasn’t until morning arrived that we realized we had slept so hard in the predawn hours that our fire had gone out, and the chilled air insistently greeted us. It didn’t take long to start up the old stove, and soon the yurt was piping hot. Biscuits and gravy were on the agenda for breakfast, and the four of us had no problem scarfing them down in earnest. The day was cloudy, and snow flakes dotted the horizon, acknowledging that we had time to enjoy the mountains before another afternoon storm headed our way.
“The best thing you’ve ever done for me, is to help me take my life less seriously. It’s only life after all.”
It felt good, all of it. The cold, the snow, the warmth of the yurt and the chance to spend quality time together. The clock ticked slower here, allowing us the opportunity to unwind and relax, a constant smile flickering our faces. Life flies by and in the blink of an eye years have passed. I have learned, the moments that always stand out are these moments, where time loses all meaning and what remains is each other. And of course, our big beautiful mountain tops covered in sparkling white snow.
We locked up the yurt and headed out, no destination in mind except the yearning for an adventure. The mountain air was crisp and cold as it hit our lungs, gaining in elevation just as frozen rivers fell away below us. There were no tracks on these roads, and the awareness that we were alone edged our thoughts as we went further into the mountains. Finally, we could go no further by car and decided to tackle it by foot.
The trek was worth it; the views that surrounded us felt serene. Here, alone and away from a world that feels so cramped sometimes, was the opportune chance to breathe again.

2/15/2019 Day 2- HOME
And just like that, we packed up the car and pups and turned the car home. Two short days somehow feeling much longer, the break from televisions, computers and cell phones much needed. Their absence made room for something more, conversations and moments that were captured instead of passing us by without a glance. Giggles and shouts when we fell waist deep into our Colorado snow while hiking a well-traveled path. The solitude of trees crusted with snow, crackling in the mountain breeze. Snow covering you one second and brilliant sun melting it away the next. The yurt was a success, just the adventure we were looking for during the winter season.
The mountains were quiet, tranquil and solemn as they waited patiently for spring to arrive again. The perfect reminder to enjoy each moment, laugh at the little things and remember that the only constant thing in life is change…