Rescue Dog
Melody May left this earth a week before Christmas in 2019. Over the past year, I have contemplated our story. At the very core, it boils down to the bond between a girl, her beloved dog, and the countless things our furry friends teach us. Among other things, Melody taught me the value of a true friend and a confidant; she had a gentle, kind soul that always kept an eye out for her human companions. The undying love of an animal comes undeserved, and yet they still give, putting themselves second for the sake of their human companions. It is an honor to be loved by them and a heartbreak to lose them. While we know what we sign up for when they enter our lives, it doesn’t make the absence of their presence any less potent in the end.
Our story started over a decade ago; the years flew by so quickly, it feels but a moment. How much changed in that time and how dearly we miss her still. If I am being honest, it never would have been enough time with those sweet brown eyes and the tail that never creased wagging. Ever excited to see her people, whether it was five minutes or three hours later.
It began in a rundown dog rescue located on the outskirts of Fort Collins, teeming with pets looking for their forever home. It was agony, but as a college sophomore, I was missing my animals at home and ready to help in any way I could. An animal lover from the start, my parents always encouraged me. They allowed me a plethera of animals growing up, all greatly adored; I always had an animal in tow that needed mending or simply a place to stay. Helping out at the dog rescue took the form of me feeding, walking, and cleaning up after these sweet pups. Walking them at the lake behind the rescue was my favorite; they deserved a little slice of paradise, and I was lucky enough to help them in that aspect.
I remember the first time I saw her because her caramel eyebrows and light brown eyes are simply unforgettable. She was a young pup at the time, barely over a year, but something about her kept me coming back. Each day I would request to walk her, crossing my fingers no one had adopted her in my short absence. I believe the universe keeps an eye out, and just when you need something the most, it comes through; that came in the form of Miss Melody May. Most afternoons after class, we would take long walks along the Poudre River, even as the weather turned chilly and snowflakes covered the ground. It hurt my heart that while someone took the time to train her to heel, come and sit, they had also abandoned her. She never shied from my touch, and I think we each needed the other in ways we never knew. There was a simple understanding between the two of us, no words required.
“A dog doesn’t care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, cleaver or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his.”
As Christmas vacation drew near, the thought of coming back to Fort Collins and her being gone was too much to handle. In a rash decision, I offered to foster her; it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The rescue was limited on space and eagerly accepted my application, which upon review was approved. I wrapped up my last school final and headed to the rescue to pick her up. She happily sat the entire two hours home in the front seat of my old, beat-up Camry while I hummed along to I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas. Once on the road, I called my big sister to tell her I was bringing home a foster dog for Christmas. I tentatively asked her to break the news to mom and dad before our arrival. Fortunately, this was not the first time this conversation had been breached nor did it come as a surprise to anyone in my family.
Upon arrival, Melody was nervous and scared; she cowered from my dad when he went to pet her. Shying away from the only man I had seen her meet, we realized that she had been abused in her rocky past. Since she was a new addition, she stayed in her kennel in the laundry room that evening. Unbeknownst to me, my dad spent half the night on the floor of the laundry room talking to her and keeping her calm. I imagine they shared secrets about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. Over the next decade of her life, she adored him; their bond created in mere hours lasted the entirety of her time here. He lovingly dubbed her, the little black dog that came home for Christmas.
“Whoever said diamonds are a girls best friend….never had a dog.”
Animals always give humanity another chance, no matter how beaten and bruised they are at their hand. While they might be around for our worst moments, they choose to believe in the best part of us. In a world filled with judgment, misconceptions and pain, it is animals that teach us to rise above and be our best selves. Over the years, she never left my side; we climbed mountains, traversed the boundaries of Colorado, and rarely strayed far from each other’s sight. The sunrises we spent lakeside and sunsets staring at the stars far above while a campfire blazed close by. I was her person, and she was my girl.
A few months into my foster mom role, I received a call that someone would like to meet Melody and adopt her. With zero hesitation, I stated she was no longer available for adoption and I would be by later that afternoon with her adoption dues and to sign paperwork. Nevermind that the next semester, I borrowed instead of bought school textbooks and enjoyed(tolerated) an unseemly amount of Top Ramen. About a week after I adopted her, while on a walk, a group of ducks caught her eye. Moments later, the leash flying through my hands, she was off in hot pursuit. Only after running the entire length of the intermural fields and saying hello to all the rugby players did I finally catch up with her and reclaim her leash, red-faced and short on breath.
On our second Christmas together, my roommates and I decorated the tree with popcorn and cranberries, only to come home later to missing popcorn about halfway up the tree. It seemed conspicuous that the popcorn reemerged just above where her little black nose could reach and no cranberries were missing. The nights where sleep evaded me, and she would join me on the couch to catch up on Netflix. Solo hikes in the nearby mountains and hills, catching a breath and reconnecting with nature. Breweries were one of her favorite spots; she was under the impression everyone was there just for her!
I am grateful for all the time we spent together, it flew by quickly but that is life. It is in these moments that I recognize and am reminded of just how much there is to be grateful for. When a pet joins your family, you can’t quite comprehend how they will change your life. The impact they leave you and those surrounding you. I spent 10 lucky years with a shadow right next to me. Propping me up when I needed it and providing comfort when words wouldn’t have mattered. It never changed, that relationship we shared. And the moments where I think I see her out of the corner of my eye only to turn and find an empty space still break my heart. It is the soft, quiet moments where I recognize her loss the most, that calming presence and those old soul eyes. Adored by all, Melody continues to be greatly missed in our hearts and our home.
I have come to believe that life and 2020 especially, have taught me that if you focus on the good, the moments where you realize just how much you have, you can have a beautiful life regardless of the turmoil surrounding you. Animals are irreplaceable; they will always hold a place in your heart. Time heals all wounds, but wounds create scars that form the person you are today. Looking back with a mending heart, I wouldn’t change a single thing. My sweet, sweet girl, you are so very loved, and I look forward to seeing you again one day.
“There is nothing truer in this world than the love of a good dog.”